Saturday, February 2, 2013

Color in the Winter

I just love that my two cactus plants bloom in mid-January when winter has come to stay and the colors are at their bleakest.  The pops of color from these two plants are beautiful and refreshing especially when I look at them with a window just beyond revealing the white, wintry landscape.  One cactus has salmon colored blooms and the other one (below) bright, fuchsia ones. 

While doing the dishes the other day, the wide-open blooms on this reminded me of birds in flight, and I had to click a picture.  I'm so thankful for these bright spots of color during the winter months. 

1 comment:

PlainJane said...

Your Christmas Catus is beautiful. I have a fushia one as well and it was set to have a record number of blooms this year, but alas, our youngest cat, Dorie, couldn't resist stopping and smelling the flowers along the way...and batting at them...and... so much for this year's blooms.