Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Day of School

**Thank you Graphics Fairy for the the picture above** Summer is over...I can't believe it.  We switched over the calendar. The books are all opened and sorted and readied.  I have reviewed the curriculum.  The new pencils are all sharpened.  The desks are cleaned.  We are ready.  Today we start. *sigh* Just where did summer go with all of its new projects to start, new places to visit, and all that we were going to accomplish?  Usually we start up our homeschooling year earlier than September 1.  However, violin lessons officially start up again today, and, well, we just decided to wait this year until today.  This is the first year we have started homeschooling with my husband on a normal, predictable schedule, and I'm very thankful for this.  As hard and frustrating as some days can be and though I get very little done during the course of a day on house work and on my business when my focus is on guiding and teaching the children, I am thankful for the freedoms and rights to homeschool our two precious children.  It is worth it in every way!  Their little minds are fertile grounds for all sorts of influences and ways of teaching and thoughts.  I'm very grateful for the freedom to be sure they are taught truths (Biblically, scientifically, historically, socially, etc.), are given the very best of curriculum, and can be either pushed or slowed depending on their level of understanding and ability.  No other teacher could individually and consistently take the time to love and care for them and push them and encourage them to do their very best more than their dad and me.  So, today we tackle the books and start on our new year's journey.  We are ready. 


Anonymous said...

It sure doesn't take long for summer to close!! I watched our little neighbor boy start his 1st year & reluctantly get on the bus. I don't know who had it worse, him or his mom.....
Have a Great Day!!


My Grand daughter starts school next week. 3rd grade.