Friday, March 13, 2009

Romantic Homes Magazine Ad

The proof is done, and the ad is off to press. My dear husband allowed me to be a part of Lollishops' first ad in Romantic Homes magazine. I have been on a tight budget with my little bead business--a very tight budget--and couldn't swing any of the other ad opportunities offered by Sadie, though tempting as they were. BUT, as dear as he is, my husband saw the value in being part of the co-op ad for this magazine; we had enough extra for the ad; and we agreed this would be a wise use of money. Besides, Sadie made it all very tempting with such a great deal for each vendor (thanks, Sadie, again for the opportunity!). I've enjoyed Romantic Homes for years and years. It has undergone many editors and changes over the years. It took on sort of a "modern romantic" feel with the most recent editor when she came on several years back, and although it was hard to accept at first, I stuck it out and have grown to really enjoy the magazine once again. The ad comes out in June's issue, and I'm so excited. It looks great! Check out what the Lollishops ad will look like here>>>>>> What do you think? Can you find me in the ad?

1 comment:

roseylittlethings said...

I hope the ad brings you lots of business! I had to close my lollishop for the time being, I couldn't afford to keep it and my .com shoppe. I hope to re open at some point:)