Thursday, July 3, 2008

Independence Day Thankfulness

Psalm 33:12 says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD..." The United States as a whole doesn't exactly regard God as it's Lord--at least not like it used to--but there are many individuals in this nation who DO. We are blessed by the Lord more than we realize. How easy it is to take our blessings and freedoms for granted! Pause amidst all the festivities to give thanks to God for the freedoms we enjoy, for those in the past who fought for our liberties, and for all God has done for us...including His most precious blessing--His gift of salvation.
As we celebrate Independence Day, I offer special thanks to those who are in the military, fighting and serving, and to their families who have to sacrifice greatly while their loved ones are away. You have my sincerest gratitude and respect. Regardless of who in our government is right and against whom and where we should fight, reality is that there are people who willingly DO go with the possibility of giving their lives and there are those who stay home and hope and pray for their safe return. These soldiers and their families are true heroes! I cannot thank you enough, and Independence Day seemed like an appropriate time to express these heartfelt sentiments.

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